Regulatory Audit Support

Regulated facilities are accustomed to annual site-visits and audits by their state environmental regulatory agency. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) also performs site-visits and audits and may determine violations and penalties that state agencies did not consider to be violations. EPA audits can be announced or unannounced, and some facilities have never experienced a visit from the EPA. Environmental 360 is experienced in assisting facilities through EPA audits, as well as state regulatory agency audits. Our team has a wealth of regulatory knowledge that can help identify potential problems prior to an audit and assist in any interpretation disputes that may arise following an audit. Services we can provide include:

  • Pre-audit assistance by performing a gap-analysis of compliance plans
  • On-site audit assistance to help tour auditors through the facility, answer questions they may have regarding any compliance plans E360 has completed, and advise facility personnel with recommendations for responses
  • Post-audit assistance in bringing findings and/or violations into compliance

For questions or assistance with an upcoming or previous audit, please contact us.

Cover Photo: Lee Barnwell –

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