Every facility with a Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) program knows that there are many factors that contribute to its success. A field verification must be performed to ensure that all regulatory-required components are included. A written LDAR program (LDAR Plan) must also be completed and available on-site. This “written LDAR program specifies the regulatory requirements and facility-specific procedures for recordkeeping certifications, monitoring, and repairs. A written program also delineates the roles of each person on the LDAR team as well as documents all the required procedures to be completed and data to be gathered, thus establishing accountability. The plan should identify all process units subject to federal, state, and local LDAR regulations and be updated as necessary to ensure accuracy and continuing compliance.”
Another factor in having a successful LDAR program is LDAR training. A robust training program will “provide LDAR personnel the technical understanding to make the written LDAR program work. It will also educate members of the LDAR team on their individual responsibilities. These training programs can vary according to the level of involvement and degree of responsibility of LDAR personnel.” While LDAR training may not be a regulatory requirement, the EPA recommends training as a “best practice” in order to “increase the effectiveness of an LDAR program.” This training should be provided initially to new LDAR personnel and annually for any employees assigned with LDAR compliance responsibilities.
“Leak Detection and Repair: A Best Practices Guide.” United States Environmental Protection Agency, https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2014-02/documents/ldarguide.pdf.